Mayfield Arts is currently involved in a two year Erasmus+ International Partnership with Rocket Artists Brighton and Kuntswerkplaats Amsterdam, entitled ‘Channel 3 Project’ We are building on the past relationship between all three organisations through our two year Grundtvig Life Long Learning partnership in 2012 & 2013 by further exploring our learning methods and practices.
Using video as a tool, we are exploring creative skills and methodologies while sharing our learning with a wider audience. Channel 3 Project is a unique opportunity for our learners to promote the abilities of artists with learning disabilities in choosing an approach that will transcend communication and language barriers.
Phase one of of the partnership was a week long video training programme hosted by Mayfield Arts in September 2015. We explored the basics of using a camera, setting up shots, storyboards and basic editing. Each partner organisation took these skills and began making their own short films.
Phase two is a midway meeting in Amsterdam in February, partners will meet to discuss their progress and showcase their short films made to date.
To follow the progress of ‘Channel 3 Project’ check out our blog: